Sunday, June 12, 2011


1990's grunge rock recital. There is a first time for everything right?! I thought of doing theme recitals a long time ago, but didn't think anyone would go for it. I guess i just kind of made everyone do it! haha. I guess that's the best way to go about it right?!

I originally had a bunch of songs in mind for specific students, but of course I don't want to force anything on people that they hate...but luckily I think I chose really well. This was WAAAAY out of most people's comfort zones...which I just love! Why?! It's not cuz I like watching people crash and's so they have the opportunity to do so! Honestly. You can learn more from one performance than you can in ten lessons. Lots of kids learned they need to listen better, some learned that being in front of people isn't the worst thing in the world, others learned that rock is cooler than they thought.

A couple of stand outs that I just have to mention because I know they worked really hard: Sarah playing Zombie was amazing. It was quiet, it was creepy, it was controlled...a really cool way to perform that particular song. Olivia killed it with Just a Girl...because she is a copy of a very very young Gwen Stafani. Matt and Dylan did a great job with Bittersweet Symphony with all the patches on the keyboard, singing and playing at the same worked out better than we all thought. Carly and Raelynn were dead on pitch. Shreya was hilarious. Cole did a GREAT job with his song. Really, it was quiet beyond his level and he pulled it off...I can keep going of course. And although she may have thought she blew it Tarra kept going no matter what. And honestly...that's the biggest lesson ALL of my students learn.

You might screw up. You might crash and burn. But you didn't die. No one hates you. And no one thinks less of you. Especially me. I've blown it so many times: I can't recall too many perfect shows...and to be honest...I don't want to, it was probably really boring...

Great job by everyone!! Really.


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