Monday, June 13, 2011


There's nothing that gets people going more than a good old fashioned competition. I hate to say that I can be very competitive, not only with others...but mostly myself.

So I set up this crazy new program with my lessons and business, gonna give it a try for a year and see how it works. Students have three goals to reach in each section. They accomplish all three goals, they get a cool prize of their choosing. Plus the added bonus of learning things quicker, and progressing faster...always good. PLUS, it's a cool way to keep track of your process.

So keeping with the competitive spirit...I'm going to also give myself three goals for the summer. Their section ends September will mine. Okay, kids you gotta hold me to it.

1. Lost 15-20 pounds.
2. Develop piano portfolio
3. Complete Demo

There ya go. My goals. So I too will be participating!

I had 7 students pick their goals today...I will keep everyone updated on the process!!!!


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