Sunday, June 26, 2011


This weekend Surly had a couple of gigs, and they were a blast!!!

First off we had Stiff's party...which I have to say...if I ever need to plan a swanky party...I know where to go. Seriously amazing ideas, cool party gifts, she hired these really cool moving mannequin people that really helped make the atmosphere and on top of it we got to play!!! The restaurant manager didn't really know what a band did...haha. She thought we'd break her wine bottles with our But it worked out in the end...everyone had a great time!!!! Great party, great people...amazing food...thanks to Stacy. It was really fun!!!

Then we played star bar on Friday. Totally different thing, but just as much fun. Robert made this great soup...ugh. I need more. Shae and Tree were there, billy is always a good time. The show went great! The set was called out, and the crowd was into it. It was actually quite a big crowd after the Motley show got out. I also got to catch up with an old friend from high school I haven't seen in a while too. Best part of the night was when Freaky called out a song and said 'this song is gonna break some hearts'. Heartbreaker...right!? Coach just didn't get it. It was hilarious.

Anyways, two completely different shows...both very fun. Thanks to all involved I had a blast!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Surly Shows!!

Hey!! Here's what we have coming up!!!

1. Surly Jones Private know who you are!!! 6/23
2. Surly Jones at Star Bar 6/24
3. Surly Jones at Lee's 7/29
4. Surly Jones at Duluth Street Dance 8/5
5. Surly Jones Halloween Party! 10/28
6. Surly Jones Private Gala 10/29

You have a sweet office party or something fun you'd like us to play??? Get in contact with me!!! Yeah!!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Box of Awesome!

So everyone pretty much has their goals...let me give you a preview of what's in each box right now:

Inflatable Guitars
Rock and Roll Tattoos
Tinkerbell things
Disney Princess things
Glow Sticks
Fairy Wands

Multi-pack lip gloss
Moonlight Path Bath and Body works Lotion/Body Gel

Much more to come...just thought I'd give you a look!!!

This week will be the first week where people can possibly miss their goals...currently there are 29 kids competing and 12 teens. Although it seems there are much fewer teens, their goals are extremely tough.

Remember to practice!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


There's nothing that gets people going more than a good old fashioned competition. I hate to say that I can be very competitive, not only with others...but mostly myself.

So I set up this crazy new program with my lessons and business, gonna give it a try for a year and see how it works. Students have three goals to reach in each section. They accomplish all three goals, they get a cool prize of their choosing. Plus the added bonus of learning things quicker, and progressing faster...always good. PLUS, it's a cool way to keep track of your process.

So keeping with the competitive spirit...I'm going to also give myself three goals for the summer. Their section ends September will mine. Okay, kids you gotta hold me to it.

1. Lost 15-20 pounds.
2. Develop piano portfolio
3. Complete Demo

There ya go. My goals. So I too will be participating!

I had 7 students pick their goals today...I will keep everyone updated on the process!!!!


Sunday, June 12, 2011


1990's grunge rock recital. There is a first time for everything right?! I thought of doing theme recitals a long time ago, but didn't think anyone would go for it. I guess i just kind of made everyone do it! haha. I guess that's the best way to go about it right?!

I originally had a bunch of songs in mind for specific students, but of course I don't want to force anything on people that they hate...but luckily I think I chose really well. This was WAAAAY out of most people's comfort zones...which I just love! Why?! It's not cuz I like watching people crash and's so they have the opportunity to do so! Honestly. You can learn more from one performance than you can in ten lessons. Lots of kids learned they need to listen better, some learned that being in front of people isn't the worst thing in the world, others learned that rock is cooler than they thought.

A couple of stand outs that I just have to mention because I know they worked really hard: Sarah playing Zombie was amazing. It was quiet, it was creepy, it was controlled...a really cool way to perform that particular song. Olivia killed it with Just a Girl...because she is a copy of a very very young Gwen Stafani. Matt and Dylan did a great job with Bittersweet Symphony with all the patches on the keyboard, singing and playing at the same worked out better than we all thought. Carly and Raelynn were dead on pitch. Shreya was hilarious. Cole did a GREAT job with his song. Really, it was quiet beyond his level and he pulled it off...I can keep going of course. And although she may have thought she blew it Tarra kept going no matter what. And honestly...that's the biggest lesson ALL of my students learn.

You might screw up. You might crash and burn. But you didn't die. No one hates you. And no one thinks less of you. Especially me. I've blown it so many times: I can't recall too many perfect shows...and to be honest...I don't want to, it was probably really boring...

Great job by everyone!! Really.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hey two days in a row!!!

In my quest to live what I teach...the more than just singing thing, I have decided my image, does not match how i perform. Seriously. I'm a pretty powerful singer/stage presence and my girl next door curves aren't helping my I'm gonna kick your @$$ persona I've got going on. Well...maybe it's not a persona...I think i do a fair amount of @$$ kicking in my day. Right?!

I'm obsessed with these singers bodies and would like to look a little more like them.
Gwen stafani, pink, veruca salt. I WANT TO BE YOU. what?! I mean....I'd like to look more like you. WHY!? cuz you're not skinny you're powerful. You're athletic, more tom -boy then girly girl. I think that fits me pretty good, don't ya think?

So I've started weight watchers in order to change my life style instead of a quick fix like slimgenics was or any other fad diet. AND I've started lifting, going back to the gym and so on. I'd love to be looking more like my ideal self by sometime next know before I hit the big 30. AHHHH.

Okay. That's it for today.

See ya soon!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Seriously. I'm so terrible at blogging. hahaha.

Singing/Pianoing business today:

Didn't play piano much today due to a weird injury on my shoulder. It think I messed it up while lifting. It's through my neck, under my shoulder blade and making my whole left arm hurt like the dickens. Yikes.

Students are getting ready for the recital! Like always many of them surprise me by just pulling it out at the end and rocking. Had one girl in particular do that today! Good work Carly!

Super excited about one of my girls: Sarah D. who's working on some really really killer tunes. Her song writing skills are insane. We're just trying to tighten some stuff up and make them work a little better for a wider audience. Her piano playing is getting great too!!

I met someone really really good at improv/jazz piano this past Thursday, hoping to hook up with him and learn some new stuff I can jam down my students throats!

I think I got to get back on a normal practice schedule: Learn a new song with chords, sight read, and do my Hanon's. I've been kinda lazy lately: time to get back on the horse.

Ear monitors btw are the best thing ever invented by man. If you're a singer. You need these.


Hope to do this more often...I'm pretty exciting? RIGHT!?

hehe. have no clue if anyone is even reading this...which makes it all the more awesome.
